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Hearing Tests
Ear Exam

Hearing loss affects 1 in 6 adults in the UK. So if you are over 50 we recommend hearing checks every 2 years to keep an eye on this.

If you think you are having difficulty hearing it is important to get this tested. Hearing loss happens slowly over time so it is often difficult to know when it has started. Friends and family usually notice signs before you will. Common signs are:

  • The TV is louder than other family or friends have it at.

  • It can sound like people are mumbling and you are having to ask them to repeat themselves.

  • Having a conversation in noisier settings are more difficult.

If you feel you need a test, the hearing test will consist of:

  • Ear health check – we check the health of the outer ear and ensure the ears are clear for an assessment.

  • Detailed case history – to help us understand your medical and hearing history.

  • Hearing test – assessment of your hearing to establish how well you are hearing which is carried out using headphones and a bone conduction test.

  • Interpretation of the test results – We will discuss if there is any hearing loss, the type of loss and suitable treatment options. If you are a candidate for hearing aids we will help you find the most suitable option for your lifestyle.

We work with a large range of manufacturers to enable us to give you the best options for your hearing needs. View hearing aid manufacturers.


At Sounds Delightful you can ever try hearing aids at home before you buy.

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