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Wax Removal

We offer two different types of ear wax removal:

Microsuction and Irrigation.

Both are services to remove ear wax professionally from the ears and require an expert qualification in clinical ear care to carry out the procedure. 

Products like Earol can be used to soften ear wax at home, but it is recommended that the actual removal of earwax is done professionally at a clinic to prevent any risk of injury to the ears.



Microsuction is a wax removal technique using a binocular operating microscope. This allows magnification so it is easier to look straight into the ear canal and allows us to avoid touching the skin making the procedure more comfortable. A low pressure suction device is used to remove the wax.


Microsuction is the preferred method of wax removal and unlike other wax removal methods does not always require use of olive oil for a week and can be removed safely within minutes by a trained professional.



This method is usually used if there is wax very close to the eardrum. This involves using a pressurised flow of water to remove the build up of wax. An electronic ear irrigator is used which has a variable pressure setting and this means we start with a low pressure setting.


Warm water is used and the ear canal is gently pulled upwards and backwards so that the water sprays along the roof of the ear canal. During the procedure the professional will check the ears to check the wax is coming out.

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